Oct 8, 2020
Tanya Acker serves as one of three judges on CBS Television
Distribution’s syndicated court hit HOT BENCH, created by Judge
Judy Sheindlin. The program is now in it’s 7th season. Tanya is
also host of “The Tanya Acker Show” podcast and the author of the
recently released book, “Make Your Case: Finding Your Win in Civil
She received her B.A. at Howard University and graduated from Yale
Law School in 1995. Straddling legal work in government and private
practice, Tanya served as judicial law clerk to the Honorable
Dorothy Wright Nelson on the Ninth US Circuit Court of Appeals,
worked at the Office of the White House Counsel and the Civil
Rights Division in the US Department of Justice, and also for
private law firms.
Tanya received the ACLU’s First Amendment Award for work on
behalf of the homeless and she serves on the boards of various
organizations dedicated to providing legal and community
HOT BENCH is seen weekdays all across the country. Check your local
JONES.SHOW is a weekly podcast featuring host Randall Kenneth Jones (author, speaker & creative communications consultant) and Susan C. Bennett (the original voice of Siri).
Tanya Acker Online:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tanyaackerofficial/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tanyaacker/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tanyaacker
Podcast: https://tanyaackershow.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HotBenchTV
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HotBench
Web: www.hotbench.tv
Jones.Show Online:
Join us in the Jones.Show Lounge on Facebook
Twitter (Randy): https://twitter.com/randallkjones
Instagram (Randy): https://www.instagram.com/randallkennethjones/
Facebook (Randy): https://www.facebook.com/mindzoo/
LinkedIn (Randy): https://www.linkedin.com/in/randallkennethjones/
Web: RandallKennethJones.com
Twitter (Susan): https://twitter.com/SiriouslySusan
Instagram (Susan): https://www.instagram.com/siriouslysusan/
Facebook (Susan): https://www.facebook.com/siriouslysusan/
LinkedIn (Susan): https://www.linkedin.com/in/susan-bennett-8607312/
Web: SusanCBennett.com