Apr 8, 2021
Gitomer Defined (git-o-mer) n. 1. a creative, on-the-edge writer and speaker whose expertise on sales, customer and personal development is world renowned; 2. known for presentations, seminars, and keynote addresses that are funny, insightful, and in-your-face; 3. real-world; 4. off-the-wall; 5. On the money; and 6. give audiences information they can take out in the street one minute after the seminar is over and turn it into money. He is the ruling King of Sales. See also: salesman.
Gitomer Online:
Web: https://www.gitomer.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JeffreyGitomer
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gitomer
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jeffreygitomer/
Podcast: https://www.sellordiepodcast.com/
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